Committee Manager

An end-to-end solution tailored to save you time and end your dependency on spreadsheets for applicant tracking.

Goodbye, Spreadsheets. Hello, Committee Manager.



Manage open positions for all the boards and commissions - effortlessly.




Quickly nominate and track appointing entity, nominating entity, and qualifications.



Role-based access control: Liaisons can only access their assigned meetings.

End-to-End Applicant Tracking Solution


Get Started the Right Way

Product features tailored to optimize end-to-end applicant tracking process.

Manage Open Positions

  • See a timeline of committees, view position history, and export information.
  • Track training requirements per position and completed training.
  • Track appointing entity, nominating entity, and qualifications.

Applicant and Members Dashboard

  • Role-based access control. Liaisons can only access their assigned meetings.
  • Live view of applicant status.
  • Automated email content generation for efficient communication.

Custom Fields for Committees

  • Add custom fields for users and committees.
  • Easily format sections and add hyperlinks.
  • Manage field display for private user and public viewing.

Custom Forms and Workflows

  • Custom, branded applications.
  • Generate multiple applications for your various needs across various positions.
  • Customize workflows and appointment status.

Track Email Functionality

  • Easily communicate with members and applicants.
  • Track all emails within the system.
  • Send personalized or templated emails, effortlessly.

Configurable and Exportable Report Options

  • Reports include: Expiring Seats, Expiring Training, Local Appointments List, and Vacancy Report.
  • Configure reports in your role as clerk.
  • Filter reports per your requirements.
save time

Save time

Streamline, automate, and manage the complete end-to-end process within a single, secure, and lean solution. Say no to spreadsheets.

stay compliant

Stay compliant

Keep track of all compliance requirements, such as background checks. Post vacant positions and term limits to meet statutory requirements around public information quickly.

automate training

Automate training tracking

Track completed and non-completed training requirements per member based on positions assigned. And store training certifications in one place.

vacant seats

Fill vacant seats with less work

Use automated workflows to review and vet nominees. Route all the applicants through approvals and appointments in few clicks.

create reports

Create instant reports

Create status update reports for your council within seconds and provide updates on the number of applicants, filled seats, applicant status, and more.

email record tracking

Email record tracking

All sent emails are recorded in the log, so you can refer to them if needed.

Ready to Optimize and Digitize Your Processes?

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