Nuestra amplia variedad de productos para la atención ciudadana y el desarrollo de software especializado se integra fácilmente con sus herramientas existentes. Explore nuestra biblioteca de integraciones para conocer más.
CRM/Reporting Analytics
Microsoft Dynamics
Integrate Dynamics 365 dashboards and modules to power your citizen engagement efforts.
GIS/Service Requests
Esri ArcGIS
Integrate Esri ArcGIS data into your service request data.
Asset Management/Service Requests
Assets created in Cityworks' Management Platform pass into the OneView platform with our free two-way integration.
Asset Management/Service Requests
Integrate your Cartegraph Asset Management system into your citizen engagement.
Asset Management/Service Requests
Leverage Lucity Asset Management in your citizen engagement efforts.
Code Enforcement/Service Requests
Integrate code enforcement applications from Accela into your citizen engagement efforts.
Service Requests
Active Networks ACR
Park related service requests can integrate with Active Networks ACR.
Service Requests
Infor Hansen 8.0+
Service requests from OneView integrate into your Infor system.
Asset Management/Service Requests
Maintenance Connection
Assets created in Maintenance Connected integrate into your service request information.
Salesforce (Web Services API required)
Manage service request information leveraging Salesforce.
Code Enforcement/Service Requests
Service requests sync with code enforcement information in your Sungard system.
Service Requests
Connect service requests from your mobile applications into Energov from Tyler Technologies.
Service Requests
Connect requests for public records from your citizens to your GovQA system.
Constant Contact
Leverage Constant Contact's enhanced communication capabilities with OneView's centralized contact database.
Asset Management/Service Requests
OneView service requests integrate with NexGen work order management.
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