CRM + Mobile

The Formula for Omnichannel Citizen Engagement


Did you know 3 out of 5 U.S. citizens use multiple devices to access local government services? As a local government leader, taking an omnichannel approach to citizen engagement is critical. Luckily, Rock Solid has the technology formula for better community relations in 2021: CRM + Mobile = Omnichannel Engagement.

By seamlessly integrating this formula with existing enterprise asset management and GIS software, local governments are seeing citizen inquiry costs reduced below $1 and service delivery times improving by 36%.

Is your agency using the latest technology combinations for creating meaningful citizen interactions and efficient operations? Attend this free webinar to see how cities combine constituent relationship management (CRM) strategies with mobile-first government services to work as one with residents.


Webinar Topics


Best Practices for Omnichannel Engagement from a CRM



Examples of Cities Using the CRM + Mobile Omnichannel Formula


Integrating Existing Systems for Robust Engagement

Integrated CRM + Mobile Means Better Omnichannel Engagement

Constituent Relationship Management creates lasting relationships between local governments and residents. If you want to boost engagement and connectivity with citizens, the secret to success is unifying CRM and mobile.

Join us for a best practices seminar to learn how to:

  • Configure software to enhance process workflow by automating processes

  • Enable true two-way communication with citizens through mobile and other channels

  • Integrate your existing systems for a single source of resident information and interactions