smiling woman at desk

HR Management System for Municipalities

Human resource (HR) management is vital for local governments and municipalities, yet finding a solution that integrates employee information with job data in a secure manner is a challenge. Rock Solid Technologies’ HR management system offers municipalities a simplified solution to manage employee data and processes using programmed intelligence.

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Accurate human resource dataand visibility

Our STAFF-M© government software solution stores and organizes all vital employee information in one place, maximizing municipal time and resources. Employee and job position data are integrated with our Time Clock module to manage time and attendance processes, for timely and accurate insights.



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Features and Benefits

STAFF-M© is designed to help local governments and municipalities manage all aspects of the employee life cycle.

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Simplified Tracking Employee Data

Critical functions include tracking employee attendance and compensatory time in addition to managing reports.

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Personnel Profile Management

STAFF-M© handles employee profile data such as demographic information, positions held, professional licenses, and academic background.

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Report Generation

Generate reports to track employee appointments, attendance, and changes in position for better insight and visibility.

Additional Benefits

Our STAFF-M© software solution helps local governments integrate employee and job position data while allowing city leaders to easily manage and report information.

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Government Compliance

Facilitates adherence to each government entity's business rules.

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Data Collection

Aids in the collection of HR data and enhances municipal leader’s visibility.

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User-friendly Interface

Uses the mature Microsoft Dynamics GUI.

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Attendance Automation

Automatically calculates attendance and license balances.

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Easily adjust time records, attendance status, schedules, and types of absences.

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Provide instant verification of employee time clock records.

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Stand-alone terminals may be secured with biometric reader technology.

Ready to see our products in action?

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